CEO Accelerator Program

This program is for you if...

You want to streamline processes and systems in your business, while freeing up more of your time to focus on the bigger tasks that need your attention.

You want to scale your business. Scale faster and get more clients by leveraging our comprehensive 6-week course that covers the essential elements to growing and managing a successful private practice. You must be making 300k or more in revenue or more to sign up for this program.

You dream of working less hours in your private practice. Make the most of your limited time with proven tips and tactics to manage a remote workforce, prioritize tasks, and enjoy life outside of work.

You know your business deserves a strong leader and CEO, but you're not sure how to become one. 

Program Curriculum

What You Get With The CEO Accelerator Program

  • 6 bi-weekly group coaching calls ($1200 Value)
  • 3 private 30 minute 1:1 calls with your SLP CEO coach ($1200 value)
  • The SLP CEO Accelerator Program Curriculum ($4,000 value)
  • A private community for Daily Support ($500 value)
  • Assigned Accountability Partners

This course is closed for enrollment.

Ebony Green, M.S, CCC-SLP

Ebony is a speech language pathologist and a former K-12 teacher.  Ebony started her private practice in 2019 and was able to secure contracts with several schools and double her practice revenue within the first two years of being in business.  Since Ebony became an entrepreneur, she has always helped other private practitioners along the way.  As a former educator, Ebony is passionate about teaching and sharing resources with others.  In 2021 Ebony was named an ASHA Distinguished Early Career Professional based on her work and the platform she built to help other SLPs learn how to become successful business owners.Today Ebony has contracts with dozens of schools in Arizona.  Her company contracts with various schools including private schools, public schools, and charter schools.  Ebony leads a team of 30 therapists and serves as the CEO of her private practice, CASA Speech and Development Services.